4 Steps To Choosing The Perfect Cellular Phone Service
Released on = December 12, 2005, 2:27 pm
Press Release Author = Cell Phones and Plans
Industry = Telecommunications
Press Release Summary = With so many options and sales pitches, it\'s hard to find the cellular service that\'s right for you. Here\'s a quick checklist of things to consider.
Press Release Body = Most people choose a cell phone because of the \"cool\" factor or the status symbol that it represents, but the truth is, all cell phone companies carry attractive cellular phones.
\"Choosing a cellular phone service plan based on the phone can make for a miserable cellular experience throughout the life of your contract.\" says Mark Taylor who sells all of the major cellular services at http://www.unWiredWarehouse.com \"By far the most important factor you should consider when cell phone shopping, is the cellular company\'s service.\"
Here\'s a good checklist to go by when looking to buy a new cellular phone.
1. The number 1 rule to know before you buy a cell phone, is to shop online. You\'ll find amazing deals at sites like Taylor\'s where the high volume of sales and the low overhead of a physical store and pushy sales people make for a more pleasant and less expensive buying experience.
2. Keep in mind that recent changes in the law, which allows you to now switch cellular phone services and keep your same number, have made the cellular industry more competitive than ever. You\'ll find that nearly every company has some sort of special offer. One company may offer a free cell phone, while another may give you free minutes. It will definitely pay of in the long run to look at what every cell phone company offers.
3. Choose a cellular phone service that gives you coverage when you need it. When I was in the cellular sales business, the main point I would try to get across to my customer is that you don\'t want to sacrifice coverage for a few dollars every month. By far the most frustrating thing in the world about cellular phones are he times when they just don\'t work.
Be sure to look at the coverage map and map out where you live and the places that you travel to. Check to see if coverage is available. If not, you\'ll regret buying that great looking cell phone with a lot of minutes!
4. Ask some of your friends and family members which cell phone company they have. There are two reasons why you should find out. The first reason is to see if they are happy with their service. Do they have the coverage that you\'re looking for? Do they have any surprises on their cellular phone bill when it comes in? How is the customer service when they call?
The second reason to find out which cellular phone service your friends and family has is because some companies offer free in-network calling. This could save you money and the worry from having to watch your cellular phone minutes as closely.
These are some great tips to go over before you buy your next cellular phone. It can be such a pleasant experience to get a brand new gadget in the mail if you just follow a few simple tips before you shop.
Web Site = http://www.cell-phone-and-plan.com
Contact Details = Gaston Collins
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